Sound and Image are seen as the two main mediums of media we consume, this film however will be breaking this ideology, forcing the viewer to reflect on the media they consume from news, social media, music and everyday activities and the effect it has on their emotional state.


We never truly recognize heavy metal, gangster rap, Fox News, BBC News, the Simpsons, digesting these different forms of media constantly all the time can overstuff our emotional bandwidth.  Link guides the viewer through 3 negative but key emotions, Sadness, Anger and Comfortability/Comfortability.

How this started

Director and writer of the film ‘Darnell Richards’, first began developing the idea for the film, as linear narrative. However, there was already a large influx of video and images on how humans need to be more aware of what we are consuming and how this can influence.

This is where the idea for an immersive experience came into play, to delve fully into media itself, would give a clearer and cohesive experience for the participant.

The idea was largely influenced by the state of the political sphere, especially in the UK and USA. Whether the left or the right, both sides weaponise and use the media to sway thinking and push an agenda. Before studying media, it was something Darnell hadn’t noticed, to him it seemed like regular.

It didn’t really stand out to him, until the recent wave of scandals within the UK Conservative party during COVID. As the stories poured out in mass, both sides used the Media to enforce a rhetoric.

Music, Film, TV all these mediums of media, can affect our emotional being. Our job with this project, was to have our participants partake in this. To help them, become more aware of what they intake. If you digest certain types of media, or whichever media you’re consuming, you begin to emulate through fashion, life choices, work and all attributes of life.


Behind The Scenes